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Forum Reports

No. Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File
1 t112 r112 d112 3.0KB

Session 1: Ocean and climate observation, forecasting and services

Session Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File
Session 1 t123 r123 d123 a123 3.0KB
Session 1 title name sd add 3.0KB

Session 2: Marine ecosystem protection, biodiversity conservation and biotechnology development

Session Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File

Session 3: Marine geological processes and disaster mitigation

Session Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File

Session 4: Marine policy and management

Session Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File

Session 5: East Asian Summit workshop on developing coastal economy

Session Report Title Reporter Department Meeting Room File Size File


Report Session Report Title Reporter Department Report Type File Size File
Session 1 t1 r11 r12 d1 Oral 3.0KB
Session 3 t31 r1 r23 333 Oral 3.0KB
Session 1 test zl Oral 14.0KB
First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China guojichu@fio.org.cn +86-532-88963909 No.6 Xiaxialing Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, China

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